Blog Revamped- Spread the word.....

Dear Friends, welcome back to the revamped blog. I will try to focus to be regular up on my blog now onwards. We can chat here, talk all the bullshit we are full of; right here. Apparantly, it pays.(I heard there is something called Google Adsense). Moreover, better than making Office ‘Junk’ reports. The picture attached represents a Service Engineer. I am sure all of you agree that an already burning candle, trying to torch up its own ass for the sake of the community, to enlighten the darkness of a moonless night, is the picture perfect example of what my Job is like. It also shows that I still have some sense of humour left. And it’s wicked. I can call me Deputy manager- Field Service. I can also call me Vice President- Field Service, Kolkata territory. Or maybe I can take it a step ahead to call it- Chairman, Kolkata Field service Engineering solutions. Whatever I call it, the fact remains the same. I am one damn stinkin’ service Engine...